I’ve been experiencing some downtime. It’s funny because a week ago I was overwhelmed and decided to take a “slow week,” and I’m now feeling the stress that comes from not seeing things happen. I seem to get more stressed about not using all of my time well than about having too many things to do.

I’m no expert on productivity and stress management and the like, but I know the thing that has helped me the most with this is actually my phone. It’s an Android phone so I have acces to a lot of apps. The most useful so far has been Gtasks, which is a pretty basic app that brings Google Tasks to your phone, and even has a widget. I use it along side the phone’s native (Google) calender app and 3Banana notes. These are all widgets, so they’re right there on my home screen and immediately accessible. And ofcourse with Google, everything is synced together and connected.

This makes it way easier to keep things at a steady pace: using up as much time as possible without becoming overwhelmed or double booked. In the business world these are the first things people learn about. The thing is, I am in the business world. Time is my investment, people are my profit and I am my margin. It’s a good thing I have a dayjob!